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> June 2017
Here’s a collection of award-winning dog photos.
Man imprisoned after 10th DUI conviction
Mumford and Sons
Brad Paisley Weekend Warrior Tour
Sam Hunt 30 in a 15
It's the Mars Curiosity rover climbing a mountain
FL tried to give away her 2 year old son in parking lot
Deaf shelter dog learns sign language
It's a Harry Potter magic wand TV remote control
10 year old invents tool for saving kids left in hot cars
Algerian man jailed for dangling baby out of a window
Former Navy Seal sets world record for charity
20 concept car models that never made it to production
Carjacker fails because he can't drive a stick shift
DNA replication filmed for first time/science text books will be changed
Woman named Miracle Crimes kicked a cop in the groin
June at the White Buffalo
Water park designed to accommodate people with disabilities
Microsoft AI just played perfect game of Ms. Pacman
FL woman stole money from city to get a butt lift
Sketches from 1923 predicts the city of the future
Attorney bilks his grandmother out of $1.3 million
Charity modifies toys to look like kids in the hospital
Split screen video shows NYC 80 years ago & today
Shoplifter claimed to be doing research paper on kleptomania
6 reasons not to throw out water you used to cook pasta
Norwegian mass murderer is changing his name
Scientist at Cambridge is on the verge of curing MS
Cops shoot at and shoot down illegal music video production
Hottest known exoplanet discovered / 7,800 degrees!
Man fakes illness to skip out on bar tab - twice in one night!
Social media helps 93 year old bride pick out wedding dress
Physicists create a magnet that's only 1 atom thick
Florida man calls 911 to get a ride to Hooters
12 year old donates socks to help the homeless
German unveils world's first zero emission train
Utah woman used pliers to pull son's teeth at Wal Mart
NASA’s Juno spacecraft provides a beautiful flyover of the planet Jupiter.
Idiots start brawl at McDonalds over a chicken sandwich
Website calculates odds a robot will take your job
Pilot captures lightning storm from cockpit view
Drunk Oregon man pulled over with BAC of .573!
This crab has oysters growing on it
Man accused of stealing wedding ring, backpack from stabbing victim
How much should you give as a wedding gift?
The fastest way to chill your beer
Service dog featured in high school yearbook
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band 2017 tour dates
Astronomers say they have proof nothing escapes a Black Hole
Man dies after participating in vodka drinking contest