Soon my friends, we'll be able to return to a movie theater...and there will be a bunch of big, fun blockbusters waiting for us! But until then, we'll enjoy a bunch of movies from our couch (which is probably how a lot of us watch movies anyway!) Here's a couple of trailers for some upcoming flix on Netflix and AMC -
There’s a new ChrisHemworth movie ladies! – and for those of you who weren’t a big fan of Fat Thor from Avengers Endgame...don’t worry! There’s NO sign of that!! You’ll be VERY happy!
And...are you ready for Rick's return on The Walking Dead? (Personally, I think the series should have ended about 3 seasons ago. It got pretty good again during Rick's last season, but without Rick, the show just loses something...on top of what it had already lost. Kind of like when Steve Carrel left the office.) HOWEVER...I WILL check out this spin-off movie!