1 of 3 Photo: Jesse Adair
2 of 3 Photo: Jesse Adair
3 of 3 Photo: Howard Lin
Bornean Orangutans are a critically endangered species from the island of Borneo. However, it is time to celebrate because a three pound baby girl was just born at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay! The mother, Luna, delivered a 3 pound baby girl (unnamed) via cesarean section. The baby came in to this world on Saturday, April 13th! Look at these adorable photos courtesy of Jesse Adair and Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. Congratulations to all involved as this is a HUGE win for the conservation effort. Bornean Orangutans have a life expectancy 35 and 40 years in the wild.
Read a full article on the baby orangutan from AP News here.
Did you know Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is one of the LARGEST zoos in America? It's also currently their Food & Wine festival with concerts too! You can Buy tickets here.