"Tears for Fears" Parody from Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Bacon is Hilarious!

You'll never hear this song the same way again LOL

First Drafts of Rock takes a look at the original version of "Head Over Heels" (featuring Kevin Bacon and Jimmy Fallon).

Lyrics below:

KEVIN I wanted to be with you alone and talk about the weather there’s rain up in Seattle so if you’re going out you might need an umbrella

JIMMY: got a degree in meteorology to talk about the weather according to the dew point the humidity’s up as the temperatures climb that’s just, just, just summertime

JIMMY AND KEVIN for the weather you can call tears for fears we’ll check the radar if the skies will be clear warm front’s coming, so the clouds disappear with a gentle breeze, 80 degrees let’s, let’s, look at the 4-day forecast 4 days forecast 4 days

JIMMY after the sportscast then the forecast begins we’ll talk about the weather there’s low fog overnight so if you go for a walk you, you, you, might need a sweater

KEVIN cold air is rising forming cumulus clouds that’s barometric pressure but the jet stream moves the clouds out by your morning commute oh, you’ll feel sun and this is my 4-day forecast look at the map, don’t need an app this is my 4-day forecast

JIMMY AND BAND da da-da dopp-ler, da-da-da dopp-ler, da-da da-da dopp-ler da da-da dopp-ler, da-da-da dopp-ler, da-da da-da dopp-ler

KEVIN looks like blue skies one little cloud, weather is nice funny how


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