A British woman is trying to track down the man whose name she spontaneously tattooed on her posterior during a girls trip back in 2012.
Kaylie Williams, 32, was on vacation with four gal pals in Magaluf, Spain, when she met the mystery man and his male friends on a wild night out.
The man offered to pay $33 for Williams to have his name — Daniel Forde — inked on her booty, and she drunkenly agreed.
“I am a bit of a party animal and I was just having a fun time with my friends,” Williams told South West News Service. “On one night out, we saw a group of lads from Cardiff, Wales. They were all dressed as babies getting tattoos. They had diapers on and everything.”
The Brit further recalled: “This guy who I got chatting to in the group said, ‘Why don’t you have my name tattooed on you and I will pay for it.’ At first I thought he was joking. But I did and he paid for it. It was so random!”
A decade on, Williams — who is now a mom — says she has no regrets about her impulsive inking as it reminds her of the fun vacation with her friends.
However, she has recently been thinking about Daniel Forde, and is eager to reunite with him.
“Ten years on, I am thinking I should try and find him. It is his name on my bum after all!” Williams explained.
She has since started a social media search to find the Welshman, and recently sent a Facebook message to a male with the same name
“I do not know if it is a Daniel Forde or the Daniel Forde,” the amateur detective declared. “I am waiting for him to open the message.”
Williams did not divulge if she is currently single, or whether she may be romantically interested in Forde.
“It will be good to get back in contact with him just to see if he remembers,” she coyly said. “If I do manage to find him, I have no idea what I will say to him. Maybe I will offer him his money back for paying for the tattoo. Who knows!”
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