Take Part in the 2020 Giving Challenge! TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY!

Are you ready to take part in the 2020 Giving Challenge!!?? This is a 24 hour ONLINE donation drive through the Community Foundation of Sarasota County...there are over 700 local organizations to choose from!  The Patterson Foundation is a big time $$$ organization that matches the donations given during the 24 fundraiser. There is a “leaderboard” on the website that is in REAL TIME so you can see who is gaining momentum and help you decide who you'd like to donate to!

This runs from 12 Noon, TODAY - 12 Noon, TOMORROW - 24 hours only!! It is so simple - if you have a credit card - you can donate! ( Minimum gift: $25, 100% tax deductible, and yes you get an email for tax purposes.)

PLUS! This year - there is something special happening! The Community Foundation of Sarasota County will be giving away TEN $500 donations...and YOU get to help decide who they go to! During the challenge PLEASE email me (kevinrush@iheartmedia.com) or message me on Facebook on WHICH organization you would like to see one of the $500 donations go to (please choose only those on the donation site - there are a lot!)

Thank you for all your support!!

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