Natural Light is Paying Off $10 Million in Student Debt

Who knew that my beer money in college was really an investment in my future!?

There is over $1.5 TRILLION dollars in student loan debt across the United States. This is a huge problem that is financially crippling more than 1/3 of the our population. Enter the hero......your favorite college beer, Natural Light!  The Anheuser-Busch-owned brand has just announced plans to give students and former students $10-million over 10 years to offset student loan debt.

Natty Lights already donated $1-million last year. They’ve given away hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay off student loan debt to people who’ve made videos about their inspiration for attending college and they’re still at it.

Want Natural Light to pay off your college loans? Enter for the chance to win by posting a video on social media with the hashtags #NattyStories and #Contest, and explain your inspiration for going to college. Your video also needs to include the green dollar-sign beer tab that can be found on limited-edition cans of the brew. They’re giving money away during the Super Bowl to help pay off student loans, too.

Check out all the details about Natural Light’s website.

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