5 Ways to Combat COVID-19 Burnout

With the one year anniversary of quarantine lockdown approaching, most people are complaining of COVID-19 burnout. Here are 5 ways to combat the quarantine and COVID fatigue.

1. Reframe Your Thoughts:

There is no doubt we all have worries and many things have not gone as planned over the last year. However, every one of us has something to be thankful for. Try practicing gratitude each day, and find the "silver lining" in each situation. Instead of "I have to work from home"..... try "I GET to work from home! I still have a job and I don't have to commute!"

2. Protect Your Sleep:

Although this may be difficult for people with families, finding a routine and sticking to it so important! The research is unequivocal: Skimping even a little or not getting quality sleep makes you irritable and stressed, increases risk of depression, anxiety and burnout, messes with your immune system and can leave you dragging. Figure out your magic number by asking yourself how you’re sleeping and feeling during the pandemic and adjusting the hours accordingly. Shift your bedtime by ten minutes for a few nights at a time until you get there.

3. Take All the Vacation Days:

Half of Americans don’t use all theirs. And, even when they do, they are emailing or working in some capacity. Vacations are essential for preventing burnout and feeling happy at work and in life. Even if you stay home and take care of your house and projects, take the days! UNPLUG!!

4. Create Firm Boundaries:

Boundaries have become blurry — especially now that our homes are also our offices and classrooms. Manage by compartmentalizing and completely shutting out one part of life to focus on another. Pick times where work stops and stick to them.

5.Build a Village not an Island:

We need community support more than ever during a global pandemic. ASK FOR HELP and help others. Share carpool duties, swap baby-sitting duties with others. While moms are spending more time with their kids than ever before, they’re also more stressed. It's quality time vs. quanitity of time that matters.

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